24 6 月, 2020

We have all been challenged with significant changes to the way we work and the physical separation from our colleagues. The work/life balance has never been so acutely juxtaposed and tested. The change we have encountered has been sudden and stark, but it has enabled a remarkably rapid and resilient response built on the solid foundation of our working relationships and technology. Many have learned that working remotely and experimenting with different protocols have enabled innovation in our workflows and meetings as well as time and resource management. Our engagement with each other through remote platforms has helped maintain an element of humanity within our relationships, but it has not fully replaced the collegiality of in-person collaboration.

As many are returning or preparing to return to that more familiar forum, we have compiled a summary of best practices to ensure that the transition to your work environment is as safe as possible for you and your colleagues. We have developed a report to act as a guide for communicating and implementing key pillars of back-to-work strategies, from commuting to your workplace, arriving in your focused space and navigating safely throughout the day. In total, we have developed recommendations for 11 areas, including:

  • Culture
  • Policy
  • Planning
  • Transit
  • Base Building
  • Circulation
  • Systems
  • Workplace
  • Meeting
  • Technology
  • Construction

For each of these 11 areas, we provide guidance for actions that could be implemented immediately and help prepare you for future evolutions of best practices.

Best Practices for Returning to Work

Across all industries, there are three recurring themes that are relevant to all spaces in a building:

  • Pervasively communicate desired behaviors
    • Use visual cues to promote safe distancing, cleanliness, personal protective equipment usage and personal hygiene
    • Enhance spacing between people by providing visual cues, physical barriers, or limiting access
    • Utilize kiosks and monitors for messaging, announcements and protocol reinforcement
  • Refrain from physical contact
    • Reduce in-person interactions
    • Replace with virtual interactions when possible
  • Increase cleaning protocols and frequency

Read our full report below.

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