
Gresham Smith’s Water + Environment Expertise on Display at Kentucky/Tennessee Water Professionals Conference

Presentations Will Cover Smart Stormwater Management, Strategies for Addressing Wet Weather Overflows, and Best Practices in Alternative Project Delivery

Event Date

Gresham Smith is proud to announce that seven engineers from the firm’s Water + Environment market will present at the 2022 Kentucky/Tennessee Water Professionals Conference. The annual conference will take place July 17 – 20 at Central Bank Center in Lexington, Kentucky.


See below for summaries of the presentations.


Feeling Constrained by your Floodplain? Let’s Stormwater Master Plan!

Presented by Senior Environmental Engineer Tom Dietrich, P.E., LEED AP

Gresham Smith led the team responsible for the City of Columbus’ Jackson Pike Wastewater Treatment Plant Stormwater and Floodplain Improvements project, developing a phased stormwater master plan to address requirements applicable to past and planned future development. This presentation will highlight how the project team overcame site challenges, coordinated across City departments and navigated a complex web of regulatory requirements to develop a comprehensive stormwater master plan that will move the City forward.


Willow Run Watershed Detention Basin Retrofits

Presented by Vice President Katie Nolan, P.E.

Sanitation District No. 1’s Willow Run combined sewer overflow sewershed comprises more than 1,850 acres. Of this, 717 acres drains to 10 detention basins, which have a total storage volume capacity of 43.5 million gallons. However, the estimated typical yearly runoff volume tributary to these basins is 283 million gallons. This presentation will discuss how the project team designed a solution to meet SD1’s goal of reducing CSOs in the watershed.


Chattanooga South Chick EQ Station Design Challenges and Innovations

Presented by Water Resources Engineers Brittany Bishop, P.E., and Jason Ogg, P.E.

The South Chickamagua Equalization Station is one of several off-line wet weather equalization facilities being delivered under the City of Chattanooga’s “Clear Chattanooga” consent decree sewer program. The project team was challenged by site constraints, which ultimately provided an opportunity for innovation. This presentation will share how the project team overcame a remediated site that was located within the floodplain and contained a City greenway to deliver an equalization station that will provide temporary bypass bumping, enabling the City to complete much-needed upgrades in the future.


The Results are In: the Effectiveness of the OAP in Springfield, TN

Presented by Senior Environmental Engineers Mike Burgett, P.E., and Amanda Dobbs, P.E.

Like many collection systems, the sanitary sewer system serving the City of Springfield, Tennessee, was aging and in need of repair. Over a five year period, the City reported over 200 dry weather and almost 300 wet weather sanitary sewer overflows. As a result, the City received an Administrative Order on Consent (AOC) from the United States Environmental Protection Agency. As part of the Overflow Abatement Program, Gresham Smith worked for the City to design improvements that would alleviate overflows, including 35 miles of sewer rehabilitation, five miles of sewer replacement, 800 repaired manholes and two new wet weather storage facilities. This presentation will share the results of the OAP, focusing on both quantitative, data-driven results and qualitative outcomes.


Using Alternative Delivery to Address Pandemic Challenges

Panel Discussion including Senior Vice President Craig Parker, P.E.

The pandemic changed the way we live, work and play—and it also changed the way we deliver projects. During this panel discussion, participants will discuss the ongoing impacts of COVID-19 and ways to mitigate impacts on the economy, such as price escalation and supply chain issues, to deliver projects for clients.