
Gresham Smith Water Professionals to Speak at the Georgia Association of Water Professionals Conference

Presentations will Highlight Water Reuse Strategies, Jar Testing Methods and Construction Management Best Practices

Event Date

Gresham Smith is proud to announce that Water Resources Engineers Diana Chumak, P.E. and Kelvin Rosa, P.E., Project Designer Jessica White and Engineer-in-Training Zephren Collinson will present at the Georgia Association of Water Professionals (GAWP) Conference on July 18, 2023, in Savannah, Georgia. 

Summaries of their presentations are below. 


Breaking Even & Beyond: Water Reuse at EV Battery Facilities 

Presented by Gresham Smith’s Diana Chumak, P.E. 

The demand for electric vehicles (EVs) is evident and, to meet the growing demand, car makers are partnering with EV battery technology providers to build and operate new lithium-ion (Li-ion) battery manufacturing facilities. A new Li-ion battery facility can have average water demands in the millions of gallons per day (MGD)—a disproportionate demand compared to the per capita demand of the communities where they may be built.  

Gresham Smith has evaluated the financial feasibility and environmental impacts of implementing water recycling opportunities at multiple EV battery production facilities. In this presentation, Chumak will highlight how to evaluate and select a water reuse solution that will relieve pressure on local water and wastewater utilities and increase operational efficiencies while also advancing the sustainability and resiliency goals set by automakers. 


Jar Testing: A Simple Method to Understand Complex Problems  

Presented by Kelvin Rosa, P.E., and Zephren Collinson  

The jar testing procedure uses a small-scale laboratory setup to replicate and optimize a full-scale treatment process. Design parameters can then be easily changed, and results analyzed, to have a better understanding of full-scale impacts. By interpreting the inputs and outputs of a jar test, this simple method can help design and optimize a water treatment plant’s coagulation/flocculation process. This presentation will explain the concept and nuances of a jar test, and how it can be used to optimize the coagulation/flocculation process.   


Lessons Learned on Major Effluent Pipe Replacement at F. Wayne Hill Water Resources Center  

Presented by Jessica White 

This presentation will focus on the lessons learned while replacing the effluent pipe at F. Wayne Hill Water Resources Center (FWH WRC). Topics to be discussed include the importance of accessible documentation from previous installations for future use, updates to material requirements and design standards over the past 20 years and best practices for maintained plant operability during phased work. 

More information on GAWP can be accessed online here.