From Back of House Space to Boosting Business
While alleys have traditionally been a “back of house” space, we created a more welcoming environment through aesthetic improvements, landscaping and better organization of those back of house functions. Group meetings with the property owners and tenants helped guide the design toward a better overall solution, while also benefiting those businesses by distinguishing their back doors and hopefully leading to further economic growth.

Designing a Sustainable Street
Our team positively impacted the surrounding environment with sustainable infrastructure, including permeable pavers to improve the quality and reduce the quantity of stormwater runoff. We also implemented a complete streets design on and around the “L” shaped street by including landscaped pedestrian areas and defined curbsides, improving alternative transportation options and reducing carbon emissions.

Honoring Character and Creating Community
We took special care to enhanced the charm and character special to Roswell’s historic district. The revitalized space fits within the historic downtown context while providing flexible outdoor space for town-sponsored activities. Tables and benches provide the perfect place to sit and read or catch-up with friends, while the openness of the space caters to the city’s monthly “Alive in Roswell” event where the town gathers for a unique market experience and live music.