We first worked with airport leadership to establish an overall vision and guiding principles for the project. Our goals included: showcasing innovative technology, adding warmth and brightness throughout the terminal, de-cluttering the terminal, and incorporating the essence of Tampa Bay to promote regional tourism. Then, we broke the project into three separate phases.

During Phase 1 we renovated 30 public restrooms and the aviation authority’s offices, added a new United Service Organization suite, a traveler’s aid counter and a tourism information center, upgraded the valet parking and modified signage. Phase 2 included refurbishing walls and floors, upgrading elevator cores, improving escalators and adding new furniture. During Phase 3 we installed 22 new large digital displays in the terminal, 15 LCD advertising screens in the baggage area, and seven large-format LCD and eight large-scale LED video walls throughout the terminal to enhance wayfinding.

Even during construction, TPA’s customer service ranking soared. In the Airport Service Quality Awards compiled by Airports Council International, the airport rose from fifth to third in the world for global airports which serve 15 million to 25 million passengers. TPA was also ranked third best airport for customer service in North America for the same period by ACI.