
The Glue That Holds Us Together: Recognizing Our Administrative Professionals

Administrative Professionals are the backbone of any organization, helping companies function at the highest capacity. Not only do they support our teams and our leaders, but they’re also the smiling face that is eager and willing to help with anything. They help us seamlessly complete tasks, achieve our goals, and build team morale along the way.

In celebration of Administrative Professionals Day, we caught up with a few of our administrative staff, posing three key questions to learn more about their experience working in the industry and what lessons they’ve learned throughout their career. Here are some highlights from our conversation.


How would you describe the value you bring to your team?


I look at myself not just as an assistant, but as a partner for my team. I think one of the most valuable assets I bring to the team is an open mind and an eagerness to learn and take on new responsibilities. My teammates know they can come to me with important tasks and projects, allowing all of us to use our time and talents in the most efficient way possible. Not only does this harbor creativity within our team, but it also increases the quality of our work, and helps us better achieve our goals.

Ashley Allen
Senior Administrative Assistant
Nashville, TN

The biggest value I bring to my team is time. By handling administrative tasks that can often be cumbersome and time consuming, I’m able to give my team time back in their day to focus on the projects at hand and improve efficiency overall.

Leah Chisolm
Assistant Project Manager
Jackson, MS

I believe the strength I bring to our team is my positive attitude and my willingness to assist. Both of these strengths play an important role in communicating with my team, keeping us organized and prepared, as well as maintaining my ability to multitask. Oftentimes, I feel like I am herding cats. But being able to navigate the ebbs and flows makes me a great asset to my team.

Chris Gary
Senior Administrative Assistant
Louisville, KY

I’ve learned that in order to be successful as an Administrative Assistant, you must have the ability to quickly evolve and adapt to any situation. You have to be ready for any and all changes at a moment’s notice because no two days are the same. I believe having the strength to be flexible and adaptable has helped me through the ongoing changes and challenges from the past year.

Leslie Cavallaro
Senior Administrative Assistant
Nashville, TN

A great Administrative Assistant is an asset to their entire team. Even if an AA is assigned to support one specific team leader, a great admin understands that the leader’s success is contingent on the success of the entire team. A team-minded approach allows AAs to be an invaluable asset to not only the people they’re assigned to support, but the entire organization. Any professional success I’ve achieved throughout my career can be attributed to my dedication to fully understand how various teams function and what the organization’s goals are. Learning about each facet of the business doesn’t necessarily make you an expert, but it helps you be better prepared to overcome obstacles and build on you team’s strength.

Kelly Kuechle
Senior Administrative Assistant
Nashville, TN

Over the years, I’ve learned that being a great communicator is essential to being a successful Administrative Assistant. In administrative roles, you are working with many people in various levels of leadership. Communicating with team members and asking questions when necessary allows you to get the job done right. Administrative roles also require extensive time-management skills, knowing how to prioritize tasks and juggle tight deadlines on a daily basis makes a difference. Time management is easier said than done and truly essential. Also, always be a team player and set a great example for your team by going above and beyond.

Debbie Saylors
Senior Accounting Assistant
Nashville, TN

I’ve learned that respect is key. Respect every person you come into contact with, whether it’s a janitor, a delivery person, another assistant, a distinguished client, or a C-suite executive. Treat everyone with kindness and respect. Also, expect the same respect in return. Administrative roles are about building relationships and collaborating with people to successfully support the team. Whether it’s scheduling meetings, helping with presentation slides, or drafting and reviewing correspondence with clients, always see every task through to completion and maintain a positive attitude along the way.

Cheryl Sharp
Senior Administrative Assistant
Tampa, FL

What advice do you have for those looking to become an administrative assistant?


Professionals at all levels of business should place high value on emotional intelligence in the workplace, but it’s especially important for administrative professionals. Our jobs entail a lot of personal interaction with a wide range of people, from junior staff to high-level executives. Harnessing the power of emotional intelligence allows you to be self-aware, self-motivated, and empathetic toward others in your communications and actions. I highly recommend doing a self-evaluation on emotional intelligence and prioritize empathy and understanding in all that you do. Not only will it help you grow in your career, but it also builds a strong foundation for every interaction moving forward.

Emily Flowe
Office Manager
Alpharetta, GA

Every day as an Administrative Assistant is different and each task requires a different approach. In order to be successful in an administrative support role, it’s important to be flexible to an ever-changing workday. Excellent time management skills are a must, as well as being able to multi-task and properly manage competing priorities. Try to be intuitive to what your team needs and make decisions based on the facts at hand. Most importantly… enjoy your job! Don’t forget to be pleasant with those you work with and give grace when needed.

Barbara Lacy
Administrative Assistant
Alpharetta, GA

My advice to anyone considering an administrative support role would be to listen twice as much as you speak. You can learn a lot from observing those around you and feel better prepared to provide the support necessary to get the job done. I would also recommend doing your best to go above and beyond with any task you’re presented with. Not only will your team function better, but your colleagues will see the value that you bring to the team. My last piece of advice would be to treat everyone equally and have a positive attitude. A smile is contagious, and people will remember how you made them feel. Make sure you leave a good impression!

LiLeahe Louallen
Senior Administrative Assistant
Nashville, TN