
Drew Gaskins Returns to Gresham Smith As Transportation Planning Department Leader

Gaskins Leading Major West Tennessee Planning Effort

Senior Planner Drew Gaskins, AICP, has joined Gresham Smith’s Transportation Market to serve as the Tennessee Planning Department Leader. Drew has more than 11 years of experience serving clients in Tennessee with an emphasis on NEPA, planning, GIS analysis and public engagement and outreach.

In this new role, Gaskins will oversee a major multimarket planning effort with the Tennessee Department of Economic and Community Development in West Tennessee in the region surrounding Ford’s BlueOval City project. The five-year on-call contract is kicking off with a regional needs assessment that considers the impacts to the entire 21-county region in regards to population, housing, transportation, water and sewer usage, land use, and rail usage followed by individual plans for regions, counties, and/or cities as requested by the communities and the State.

“We’re thrilled to have Drew back with the Tennessee Transportation group,” said Andy Lucyshyn, P.E., PTOE Middle Tennessee Area Transportation Leader. “He’s a sixth-generation West Tennessean, and he came to Gresham Smith partly due to the impact he can have on the future of the region with this planning effort.”

Outside of the West Tennessee planning effort, Gaskins will be tasked with growing the department, operations, staff development, and leading business development efforts for the firm’s planning work across the state.

Gaskins received his Bachelor of Arts and Masters of Science degrees from the University at Tennessee Knoxville.