
Faces of Gresham Smith: Laura Lewis

Laura Lewis, P.E.

Laura Lewis, P.E.

Name: Laura Lewis

Current Title: Senior Structural Engineer

Office Location: Orlando, FL

Years at Gresham Smith: 1


Gresham Smith is ready to introduce you to Laura Lewis, a senior structural engineer in our building engineering market, who chose her profession because a class called ‘Concrete and Steel’ in her college course catalog caught her attention and hooked her for life. Originally, she wanted to become Norm Abram, a master carpenter from a PBS show, but she settled instead for being an adjunct professor and the office leader of our new Orlando office.


Where did you go to college?

I graduated from the University of Central Florida with a bachelor’s degree in Civil and Environmental Engineering. I then went on to acquire two master’s degrees from the University of Florida – the first in Structures and Foundations, and the second in Industrial and Systems Engineering.


What’s your favorite Gresham Smith memory?

Being asked to be the office leader for the new Orlando office. I am excited to be a part of this great opportunity to continue to develop the Central Florida landscape of well thought-out and well executed design.


What achievement are you most proud of and why?

Being an adjunct professor in structural steel. Having the opportunity to see students develop their passion for structural engineering is very rewarding.


When you were 10 years old what did you want to be?

I wanted to be Norm Abram, a master carpenter from the show New Yankee Workshop on PBS.


What’s the best advice anyone has ever given you?

Treat others the way you want to be treated.


Where is your favorite place you’ve traveled?

I would have to say Paris and Rome, because of the architecture and history both cities have. I’ve also been to Iceland and Greenland.


What are three objects that can always be found on your desk?

My ‘to do’ list, water to stay hydrated, and the Business Journal’s Book of Lists.