
Mike Sewell Named to Gresham Smith’s Board of Directors

As Director of Innovation, Sewell Brings New Technology Expertise to Board

Gresham Smith, a top-ranked architecture and engineering firm with more than $320 million in 2023 gross revenue, announced that Director of Innovation Mike Sewell, P.E., LCI, has been named to the firm’s board of directors, effective January 1, 2024.

Sewell fills an open position on the board created when board director Carl Munkel rolled off the board at the end of 2023. Munkel’s departure from the board coincided with his divestiture of ownership as part of the firm’s established senior leadership succession process. As previously announced, Munkel will relocate to Denver to support the establishment of a new office in the region.

As director of Innovation, Sewell oversees Gresham Smith’s Innovation Pillar and the development of new tools and services emerging from the firm’s Studio-X incubator program. He has spearheaded the development and marketing of “MPATH: Empathic Analytics by Gresham Smith,” a pioneering platform that quantifies emotional responses to urban environments and facilitates data-driven design enhancements.

“Mike brings a wealth of experience to our board, specifically in the areas of technology and strategy, both of which we identified as priority characteristics for this open board seat,” said Rodney Chester, CEO and board chair of Gresham Smith. “We need to be prepared to accelerate our digital transformation across all areas of our firm, and adding Mike to our board of directors is an important step in that direction.”

Sewell is also a widely recognized expert in the active transportation field, where he uses his platform to strategize about planning and designing safe, comfortable and meaningful multimodal infrastructure. As a result of his advocacy efforts, he currently serves on the National Board of Directors for the League of American Bicyclists, and in that role, he has testified in front of the U.S. Congress about the importance of multimodal funding for safety.

He joins the firm’s existing directors, which include the following:

CEO and Board Chair Rodney Chester
Transportation Executive Vice President (EVP) and Board Vice Chair Kent Black
Chief Operating Officer Peter Oram
Chief Strategy Officer Randy Gibson
Chief Financial Officer Dwayne West
Chief Development and Engagement Officer Kelly Knight Hodges
Director of Architectural Design Jeff Kuhnhenn
Aviation EVP Wilson Rayfield
Healthcare EVP Jim Langlois
Healthcare Technical Practice Leader Carolyn Blake
External Board Member Ann Massey